Jan 21, 2011


Here is the promo video for the album. Pass it along to your friends on facebook and spread the word!

God bless,

Jan 20, 2011


I am proud to announce that the official release date for the Spirit+Truth worship album will be JULY 17th 2011 at the worship concert for July!

I am SOOOOOOO excited to see the ball finally get rolling on this thing considering that it's been in the works for over two years now. The wait has been hard, but I know that God's timing is perfect.

All the song writers met Tuesday night to discuss the album, and we now have some new details set in stone that I want to share with you guys. The album will be have 7 tracks on it and will be titled "Spirit + Truth Worship Band: Volume 1." Why "Volume 1?" We figured that since we would probably keep making albums as long as we wrote songs as a church then it would be a good idea to keep track of them in volumes instead of album names that don't distinguish dates. This way, when we look back ten years from now, we don't have to try to find a copyright date on the album cover or anything to know when it came out; we'll just see Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...etc.

I will be posting more blogs here soon with more details concerning the songs themselves so be on the lookout for that.

God bless,

Jan 12, 2011


Hey everyone,
So, here are the pictures of the studio that I promised. The only thing that will change between now and when we start is that there will be some foam paneling on the walls soon.

Also, we set a date to begin recording in March, but until then we will be doing a lot of planning and pre-production so check back often for the latest news.

God bless,