Nov 16, 2010



So, the bad news is that I was not able to find that video of our makeshift studio from a few years ago, but the good news is that we were able to get our first look at where the new studio will be today!

I was hoping that the office next to mine would be good for building a studio, and it turns out that it is just the perfect size. Here are some pictures so you can see what I'm talking about:

We'll keep you guys updated on the progress as we do construction and what not.

God bless!

Nov 10, 2010


Hello again,

I apologize for the lack of updates in the last two weeks, but honestly it has been a little slow going. I have been in contact with the other worship leaders trying to figure out what songs we all want to put on the album, but this is taking some time because we don't just want the album to consist of random songs that we've written and put together just for the sake of having seven tracks or whatever. We want everything to have purpose and design; thus, we are giving great attention to theme and continuity in the songs from the album's beginning to its end.

However, one huge update is that instead of just recording back in my office we will actually be constructing a real studio to record in! Well, by studio I mean we're going to pick a room next to my office, cover the walls with egg crate foam, put a window in the wall so the person recording can see the person at the helm of the computer, and make a hole so cables can run through. Yes, it will still be makeshift, but before we were going to have to build a room out of risers, chairs, ladders, and futon cushions like we have in the past. I'll post a video of that later this week cause it's pretty funny.

Anyway, you all be blessed, and I'll talk to you again soon!